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Breathe of Fresh Air + Life Update

Two months at home - what a treat. A time of processing, praying, meeting, working, updating, moving, and refreshing.

Searching for some time, my parents found a home to call their own. Yet, it was a "fixer upper" requiring hours of labor plus moving out of our previous home. Understandably, they called me seeking desperate help with their new house and moving out of their old one. While explaining to my mom I probably will not be allowed the extra time off, I started to think "What if?". What if I could get it approved to come home early to surprise my parents? Thankfully, I work for a very understanding and flexible organization and I received the "OK". It was so difficult not to blurt out the secret to anyone and everyone (especially my parents)! Only my grandparents and people in Kyiv knew about my early home coming surprise.

When I arrived home, I was met with faces of confusion, excitement, and concern. After my parents confirmed it was really me and that I was not in any trouble, they were overjoyed and so was I! Right then and there I was able to jump into helping my father with tiling their new bathroom! That project was followed by several more! Who knew my trip home would help me build my résumé?

I am thankful for this trip for many reasons. One of those reasons was having room to process this past year and to seek the Lord about the days ahead. I was reminded that wisdom from the older generation is so important to me and to soak in every bit of advice I was privileged to hear. God worked through all of the people that I met with in a special way. It was as if He drew a perfect red line of connectivity through each conversation which guided me closer to clarity for my future.

As most of you probably know, when I graduated from high school I decided that I would work in order to save enough money to graduate university without debt. Yet, God changed my plans and guided me into missions. As I look back, I clearly understand what He was doing. Every moment on the mission field, every lesson of faith, of letting go, of watching God take over, of seeing the world (the ugly and the beautiful), and of seeing myself humbled; all of those experiences was God preparing me for His plan for my life. My perspective after high school was "I need to obtain a degree in order to land a nice job and support myself".

Now my perspective on university has taken a complete 180 degree turn. The Lord has revealed His plan is for me to work with Children at Risk in some way or another as a lifetime calling. Seeing the needs in this area and where my passions lie through missions, I believe God is calling me into a season of obtaining my degree in order to open doors to help children at risk in a greater capacity. Now I see university as a tool and launching pad for what God has in store. I have BIG dreams that are honestly, pretty intimidating for me. Good thing my life is not about me...whew what a relief! ;)

I dream of starting (or partnering) with an existing home/organization for orphans/children at risk where they are taught practical life skills, work ethic, "how to fish" from the proverb "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.", and where their physical needs and spiritual needs are cared for by Godly staff who can champion and empower these children to walk and seek God's plan for their lives. A safe place for these beautiful children to heal through God-centered arts, to learn their identity in Christ, and then be released to change the world!


LORD, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will hear their cries and comfort them. You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed, so mere people can no longer terrify them.

Psalm 10:17-18


What now?

With all this big dreaming, you may be asking yourself, "Okay, but what about the here and now?". With such a broad vision it does seem hard to break it down to chewable pieces. Yet, now with every decision I make I can ask myself, "Will this bring me closer to this God-given dream?".

My two-year staff commitment with YWAM Kyiv will come to an end this June. So until then, I plan to continue serving in the refugee ministry and coordinating teams and volunteers for YWAM Kyiv. After June, I am faced with a few decisions that I am still seeking direction for. I am leaning towards staying in Ukraine until the end of the year while starting my entry level courses online while still serving in the refugee ministry here and gaining a better command of the Russian language. I also plan to obtain a TESOL certification that will open doors and enable me to teach in orphanages here in Ukraine (and around the world, actually). Yet, these plans are always subject to change as God has full control over my life! His will not mine!

May you please join me in prayer as I seek the Lord in how to take steps towards making these dreams become a reality? Would you like to know more or have some questions or is God speaking something to you? I would love to hear from you! When you live an ocean away from home, a word or encouragement or prayer or life update really mean the world to me! I also would love to know how to pray for YOU and know what God is doing in YOUR life! It is always such an encouragement to me to hear about God working in other's lives. :)

Blessings :)


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